Mecca Masjid

Mecca MasjidAdjacent to the Charminar is the grand Mecca Masjid, reputed to be one among the largest in the world. It can accommodate 10,000 worshippers at a time. The hall is 67 meters long, 54 meters wide and 23 meters high. The Mecca Masjid roof is supported by 15 arches, and the colonnades and entrance arches are made up of a single slab of granite.  According to few historical records, these massive stone lots were carried 11 blocks away, and dragged to the site by a team of 1400 bullocks!  Construction of the mosque started in 1614 by Abdullah Quli Qutub Shah but was completed by Aurangazeb when he annexed Golconda in late 17th Century. The Tombs of Asaf Jahi rulers, the Nizams of Hyderabad, are in a roof enclosure to the left of the courtyard of the mosque.
Mecca Masjid


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